As a member of Hereford, you must*:
- Abide by the daily health check through the HOOS Health Check app or email.
- Wear a face covering in all Hereford indoor and outdoor spaces unless you are in your room, alone or with your roommate.
- Observe strict distancing in all Hereford spaces (residence halls, common and public spaces, dining halls, lounges, etc.).
- 6 feet of separation for all contact – in all directions
- 10 feet separation during exercise – in all directions
- Have only a maximum of 10 people allowed in any social gathering, whether planned or spontaneous.
- Limit access to Norris, Whyburn, and the Hub to residents of Hereford only. In addition, Norris and Whyburn residents may not enter each other’s buildings. Finally, overnight guests are not permitted.
- Abide by all posted signs in public spaces.
- Follow all policies regarding bathroom use.
- Not share food or beverages at any Hereford event. All food/beverage options must be individually packaged and grab-and-go.
- Clean the surface of desks, chairs, tabletops in public spaces after you use them with disinfectant wipes or sprays.
- As much as possible, as long as weather allows, try to hold your activities and programs outside, such as: the Hereford lawn space, the amphitheater next to the Hub, the plaza next to Runk, the plaza between Norris and Whyburn.
If you feel sick or manifest any symptoms related to COVID-19 (link), self-isolate and get tested immediately. Call Student Health: 434-924-5362
If Hereford is designated as an outbreak site, get tested immediately, regardless of if you are experiencing any symptoms.
If you are identified through contact tracing as having had close contact with an infected individual, get tested immediately. Be mindful of who you are interacting with so that tracing can be done most effectively.
If you test positive for the virus, and are required to go to the isolation housing go to the isolation housing immediately.
If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive and are required to go to the quarantine housing, go to the quarantine housing immediately.
To report a violation, please use this site.